Have you really looked at your web site lately? Research indicates most business owners seldom visit their own web site six months after the launch of a new web site. Fortunately, it is not a crime to neglect your web presence, but that doesn’t mean failing to do so isn’t costing you dearly. After all, if you don’t come back to your site regularly, why would your customers? We get it…you are busy running your business and you expect others to keep your marketing materials (print or electronic) up to date. We can show you how to keep your web site fresh and current without tying you or your staff up in meetings and endless emails. We have developed strategies to do this almost automatically my pre-selecting rotating artwork, design features and links to associate sites, like industry associations or trade journals, including links to articles about you, your company or your products.
DEAD OR ALIVE? An autopsy will tell
Does your site feature motion graphics to capture the web visitor’s attention? Can you reach multiple pages on your site with one or two clicks? Can you see the whole site plan from the front page? Do you have the latest mapquest module to help customers find you? Can visitors leave comments or questions that are forwarded to your email for immediate response? Does your site include a “NEWS” section to feature new products or links to news stories about your company? Then we need to revive your web site so it will live again. It is not too late!
There are tons of folks out there looking for your goods and services but your site may not be showing up when they search for your product category. Let us review your key word structure and site optimization so we can find out who is looking for you on the web. Once they arrive at your web site, new graphics, video, and eye-popping designs will make them stay for a longer visit to review your company and your offerings. All we need is a meeting with you to find out what’s new at your company so we can start developing a site that wandering surfers want to visit and frequent.
Research indicates that your clients seldom visit a web site that is not updated for content and design. Furthermore, if your web site is more that five years old, it is almost certainly out of date in function, design and mobility. Today, more than 70 % of all web searches are initiated from a mobile device. how does your site look on a cell phone or tablet? If it has not been updated for maximum functionality, you are missing contacts with customers, both old and new. We can bring your site up to date with maximum mobility, plus cool new features like maps, directions to your place of business and comment boxes for potential clients to express their needs. Plus awesome new tools like high speed video and site layouts that offer versatile navigation and minimum drill down.